Construct Publishing and Distribution
Custom construct classes are reusable infrastructure configurations written in a programming language. After you write a custom construct, you can translate it to multiple languages and publish it for others to import and use in CDK for Terraform (CDKTF) applications.
Translate Constructs to Terraform Modules
You can write a CDKTF construct class and then synthesize the code into an HCL Terraform module. When you use this approach, you are limited to the structure and functionality available in a Terraform module. For example, you cannot use enums or methods to provide advanced configuration options.
Use the cdktf-tf-module-stack to transform your code into a Terraform module. This library exposes TFModuleStack
, TFModuleVariable
, TFModuleOutput
constructs that you can use as replacements for TerraformStack
, TerraformVariable
, TerraformOutput
The library also offers a ProviderRequirement
construct that replaces the provider construct you typically use in CDKTF applications. Typical provider constructs pin a specific provider version, but the ProviderRequirement
construct lets you select a version range. This behavior more closely matches how many modules specify provider versions.
The following example shows a CDKTF program written using the cdktf-tf-module-stack
library. CDKTF could then synthesize this code into a
file to use with Terraform. If you want to use this module, you need to list the full path to the folder containing the synthesized file, such as ../my-cdktf-application/cdktf.out/stacks/my-awesome-module
import { App } from "cdktf";
import {
} from "cdktf-tf-module-stack";
import { Resource } from "@cdktf/provider-null";
class MyAwesomeModule extends TFModuleStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
super(scope, id);
new ProviderRequirement(this, "null", "~> 2.0");
const resource = new Resource(this, "resource");
new TFModuleVariable(this, "my_var", {
type: "string",
description: "A variable",
default: "default",
new TFModuleOutput(this, "my_output", {
const app = new App();
new MyAwesomeModule(app, "my-awesome-module");
Publish Translated HCL Modules
Follow the Terraform module publishing requirements and instructions. You can use the projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct to make this workflow easier. Refer to the CDK Day 2022 talk on this topic for more details.
Publish Constructs with Projen
We recommend using the cdktf-construct
projen template to package and publish your constructs to either public or private registries. Projen synthesizes files and directories into different target languages based on a Javascript or Typescript file. The process is similar to how CDKTF synthesizes code into JSON configuration files for Terraform.
The projen deployment mechanism uses GitHub Actions, so cdktf-construct
expects GitHub to host the Git repository for your construct package. If you prefer to use a different CI provider, you can use projen to bootstrap the project, run yarn run eject
to opt out of projen, and then customize the CI implementation.
Use the following steps to publish your constructs with the cdktf-construct
projen template.
Initialize Construct Package
Navigate into your construct directory and run npx projen new cdktf-construct
to initialize a new construct package. The script creates a new project that you can configure and then deploy to private or public registries.
Configure the Construct Project
Projen manages all non-code files, like the package.json or JSII configuration, so must modify the .projenrc.js
configuration to include your construct's code files.
The following example shows how to configure your .projenrc.js
file to publish your project to public or private registries.
const { cdktf } = require("projen");
const project = new cdktf.ConstructLibraryCdktf({
author: "Your Name",
authorAddress: "",
cdktfVersion: "0.13.0",
defaultReleaseBranch: "main",
name: "your-project-name",
repositoryUrl: "",
prettier: true, // optional, but convenient
// Release Configuration
// Requires "NPM_TOKEN" secret to be set in the secrets of the Github repository
releaseToNpm: true,
npmRegistryUrl: "", // When omitted it will release to the public NPM registry
// Requires "TWINE_USERNAME" & "TWINE_PASSWORD" secret to be set in the repository
publishToPypi: {
distName: "your-project-name",
module: "your_project_name",
twineRegistryUrl: "", // When omitted it will release to the public PyPi registry
publishToMaven: {
javaPackage: "com.your-org.your-project-name ",
mavenGroupId: "com.your-org",
mavenArtifactId: "your-project-name",
"", // When omitted, the project releases to Maven Central
// Requires "NUGET_API_KEY" to be set.
publishToNuget: {
dotNetNamespace: "YourOrg.YourProjectName",
packageId: "YourOrg.YourProjectName",
nugetServer: "", // When omitted it will release to the public Nuget registry
// You should use pre-built providers as peer dependencies so your
// package manager can warn you if you have incompatible versions
"@cdktf/provider-aws@10.x", // You want to pin the major version to stay
"@cdktf/provider-pagerduty@3.x", // compatible with the current cdktf version
Rung npm run projen
to generate the setup and workflow files for your project You must do this every time you change the .projenrc.js
Set GitHub Actions Secrets
The GitHub Action requires the following environment variables for credentials.
: An npm API token or a token for the registry of your choiceTWINE_USERNAME
: The username to use for PyPi, if using a token it should be "token"TWINE_PASSWORD
: The PyPi API token to authenticate against PyPi or the registry of your choiceNUGET_API_KEY
: The API key to authenticate against NuGet
The following environment variables are for Maven credentials:
This configuration creates new releases when you push a new commit to the repository. The version numbers follow semantic versioning specifications.